Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Zechariah (2)

Here's are the reflections our group is using for Zechariah Chapter 2:

Our text is Zechariah Chapter 2.

2:1: This is a continuation of the “word of the LORD (Yahweh)” that begins in 1:7; to get a sense of how this “Word” is ongoing, how it keeps coming, please look at the phrasing in 1:7, 2:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1.

2:8: Compare with Psalm 17:8; Deut. 32:10; Acts 9:4

2:11: Compare Matthew 28:19 – 20; Acts 1:7 – 8; 2:1 – 11; Ephesians 2:11 – 3:10; Revelation 5:6 – 10

2:13: Compare with Habakkuk 2:20; Zephaniah 1:7

During our journey through the Minor Prophets we’ve read a lot about God’s judgement on both His people and on the nations. However, we’ve also read a lot about God’s enduring faithfulness to His people – and as Paul makes clear in Ephesians 2:11 – 3:10 (see reading above), God’s Grand Design is to have One People in Jesus Christ – this was (and is) being fulfilled.

Therefore, the promises we find in Zechariah should be particularly encouraging for us because we see that Yahweh, the Covenant God, will not only preserve His People, but that He will ensure that His People in Christ will be victorious.

Look at the joyful promise of Zechariah 2:10; “I am coming” I will dwell in your midst”. Christ has come and He is now living within His Temple, His Church, His People (Ephesians 2:19 – 22). Much of the Upper Room Discourse (John chapters 13 – 17) has to do with the Trinity living within us, the People of God…and with us living in the Trinity.

These promises should be a present reality in our lives and in the lives of our congregations; granted that the reality is unfolding, but nevertheless it is a present reality in our inheritance in Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we are called to be a people of joy, of compassion, of encouragement, of faith; a people loving as Jesus loves. Jesus has called us, as He called Joshua and Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah, Haggai and Zechariah – to particulate with Him in building His Living Temple. As Jesus says, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.” (John 17:18; 20:21).

What does rebuilding the Temple look like in our lives?

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