Thursday, November 21, 2019

Zechariah (10)

Here's another installment of our small group exploration of the prophet Zechariah, maybe there is something here for you.

Our passage is Zechariah Chapter 10.

The motif of Chapter 9, God judging the nations and preserving His People, continues in Chapter 10. As we read the Scriptures, whether in the OT or NT, it is good to keep this motif in mind, as it is found from Genesis through Revelation. Too often we tend to think that everything is woe on the one hand, or, on the other hand, that God does not distinguish between those in His Kingdom and those in rebellion against Him and we think we’re all involved in a group hug. While for sure God is merciful to all and desires all to know Him, God also judges those who reject His Son Jesus Christ; there is enough light for those willing (by His grace) to “see” to “see”, and enough darkness for those who reject the light of His Son to live in darkness.

In 10:1 we are told to ask for rain. Please compare with Joel 2:23 and James 5:7 – 8. Some of us may know that old hymn, “Showers of Blessing.” That hymn has its roots in the Biblical image of rain as a blessing. If we keep in mind the idea found in Haggai 2:9 that the “latter glory of the house will be greater than the former”, we might conclude that the glory of the Early Church, which was birthed in Acts Chapter 2, will be surpassed by the glory of the Latter Church as our Father reveals Himself through His Sons, (Romans 8:18 – 30).

While I realize there are other perspectives regarding the trajectory of the Church, I believe that the Scriptures call us to growth in our Lord Jesus and victory, that we are to be overcomers (Romans 8:31 – 39) and that we are here on earth to glorify Christ by laying our lives down for Him and others.

Consider Zechariah 10:5 – 12, is this a picture of victory or defeat?

Are we participating in that victory in our lives?

Please consider Ephesians 1:15 – 23 and Ephesians 3:14 – 21: what do these passages look like in our lives? In the lives of our churches?

In Zechariah 10:2 – 3 we see, once again, God’s judgment on unfaithful religious leaders; we’ve seen this throughout the Minor Prophets. We should not forget Revelation 22:18 – 19 and Proverbs 30:5 – 6.

In Zechariah 10, Egypt and Assyria are the personification of the enemies of God’s People, Egypt is to the south of Judah and Assyria attacks Judah from the north and east. Also, in 10:11 God speaks of “the sea of distress”.

Are there Egypts and Assyrias in our lives? Sources of temptation and conflict? Are we going through a “sea of distress”? Are we in slavery to anything or anyone other than our Lord Jesus Christ? If so, let’s pray for one another and let’s please remember 1 John 4:4, 17 – 18; 5:4.

Are there Egypts and Assyrias and seas of distress that others are in? Is God calling us to rescue others from these difficulties and strongholds? God sent Moses to Egypt, He can send us too.

God sent His only Begotten Son to earth – how is God sending us? John 17:18; Matthew 28: 19 – 20.

Much love,


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