Continuing our reflections on “greed” and “the greedy
person” in Ephesians 5:1-6:
In not previously
understanding the import of what Paul was writing, not only was I not
challenged by this passage, but I did not challenge others when preaching and
teaching Ephesians. In not understanding the distinction between covetousness
as found in the Ten Commandments and covetousness (greed; the desire for more,
and then more, and then more) as it is typically used in the New Testament, I failed
to see the radical countercultural message that Paul was preaching –
countercultural for his day, and radical in our day of consumerism. Yes, I knew
that “covetousness” as used in the NT was broader than Exodus 20:17, but I
hadn’t thought about the distinction critically and I hadn’t thought about the
likelihood that many professing Christians have not been challenged by the
thrust of what Paul is saying. Was it that I didn’t want to deal with it in my
own life? Was it that I didn’t want to offend others?
I am deeply convicted that I
missed this, avoided it, failed to study it, failed to think about it deeply,
failed to present the text faithfully to others.
When Paul, in verse 6, writes,
“Let no one deceive you with empty words…” I wonder if some of the empty words
included, “Getting more, more, and then more doesn’t matter. It’s only stuff,
only things, only recognition, only power, only position.” We would never think
that today, but maybe in Paul’s day people thought that.
Paul writes that a greedy
person is an idolater; that may have been true in Paul’s day but certainly it
couldn’t be true today; or if so, it must only apply to those who go over the
top in their pursuit of wealth, position, power and fame. Certainly as citizens
of the United States we have a civic obligation to pursue (the good) life,
liberty (do what we want), and happiness. Little wonder that most of the time
we vote from the pocketbook.
Many of us think that not to have other gods
“before Me” means that we make God number one, but that is not what Exodus 20:3 means. It means, “You shall have no
other gods in My Presence,” and that means that we shall have no other
gods…period, end of story. God is to have no competition in our lives – we are
to love Him with all of our heart, all of our mind, all of our soul, and all of
our strength (Mark 12:30). Of course our response is typically, “Yes…but”.
Jesus says in His first
recorded extended teaching, “You cannot serve God and riches,” (Matthew 6:24);
we read it and then we qualify it with, “Yes…but”.
In my preparation for the
small group study of Ephesians 5:1 – 6 I was struck by the fact that greed was
written about and discussed by ancient Greeks and Romans, including greed’s
impact on the greater community; while ancient thinkers wrestled with “how much
is too much?” and the care of the community as a whole – we seldom, if ever,
discuss it – whether within or without the church. How often do we make greedy
people American idols and cultural superstars? Doing so gives us permission to
pursue our own game of more, then more, then more.
A friend of mine, after
thinking about this subject, remarked in effect, “When I want more I call it
ambition, when someone else wants more I call it greed.”
Where is the Cross of Christ
in our desire for “more”? This thought has challenged me for years, both
personally and in ministry to others. In my involvement in marketplace
ministry, both in Virginia and Massachusetts, I have long thought that when we
do not challenge marketplace leaders with how the Cross informs wealth and the
acquisition of more and more that we do them a disservice. I have seen
theologians and others quick to justify the American Dream and yet never raise
the issue of the Cross of Christ and how the Cross should determine our
economic and vocational thinking.
Whether the disciple is a
laborer or the owner of a billion dollar business – a Christian’s vocation is
to be a vocation centered on the Christ of the Cross and the Cross of Christ. A
dollar earned that is not laid at the Cross is a dollar ill-used.
“Make sure that your character
is free form the love of money, being content with what you have; for He
Himself has said, I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you, so that
we may confidently say, The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will
man do to me?” Hebrews 13:5 – 6.
This passage in Hebrews has
been a reminder to me over the years that learning contentment is a form of
trust in God and a witness to the world and the unseen realm.
Our economic culture is built
on creating discontent, if we are not discontented we will not purchase more,
and more, and then more. We are so imbued with this ethos that we see no danger
in it. We are ironic slaves; slaves to pleasure, slaves to acquisition, slaves
to silence on these subjects – both in the world and in the church – whoever
saw a society of slaves that had so much?
Thinking about writing about
this is akin to a criminal writing his own indictment…not pleasant.
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