Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4, 2020 Unstructured Thoughts

Revolutions generally don’t pursue a democratic process – the Loyalists of our Revolution didn’t lose at the ballot box. Have you considered that revolutions justify themselves during the process, but as soon as the revolution is over they deny that process to others?


On what basis do we condemn racism as a society? If you say it is morally wrong then I ask, “What is the basis for your morality?” If it is pragmatic or utilitarian then I ask, “Who determines the pragmatic or utilitarian basis?”


If you respond, “Well, it just is wrong. That should be self-evident.” Then I ask, “How can something be self-evident?” Is there a transcendent moral law within us? If so, then let’s talk about it. If so, then let’s not refuse to confirm a woman or man for a judgeship because the candidate believes in “natural law”.


This is a great time for Christ – followers to talk about the image of God and the “natural” law that God has placed in our hearts. Why do we deny the natural law? When we recognize it, why do we disobey it? What do we justify our disobedience?


Then again, if we hold to the Natural Law and the image of God in humanity, defaced though it may be, then I think we should ask ourselves why we aren’t passionate about the welfare of our fellow man. As I’ve said before, I know many more professing Christians who are pro-birth than I know professing Christians who are prolife. Where is our concern over healthcare? Housing? Education? Justice?


While I’m writing unstructured thoughts, I think I’ll admit to being a coward. I have never started a book on Reconstruction and finished it. I have never started watching a television program on Reconstruction and been able to finish it. I guess it’s cowardice, or maybe it’s just that I don’t have the heart and stomach for it – it is so disgusting – Reconstruction and Jim Crow were simply hideous. Where was the church? $$$$$?


For the Christian, our citizenship is in heaven. Do we believe that? Are we seeking Jesus Christ? My identity in Christ cannot be threatened. If I have another identity that can be threatened then I ask, “How can that be? Am I worshipping an idol?”


Idols do tend to gloss over ugly realities.


Life does have its complexities. The oceans and heavens have their patterns. Psalm 2 and Daniel 2 remain firm. Christ is indeed our Rock.


Just some thoughts…




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