Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Can You See the Incarnation?

These passages and questions are what our small group worked with this morning. Can you see the Incarnation in these passages? 

Can you see the Incarnation in your life?

Your marriage?

Your church?

The professing-church in our country?

Let’s please consider John 14:16 – 15:11 along with Ephesians 2:19 – 22.

 What do we see about the Incarnation in these passages?

What should the Incarnation look like today in our lives?

In our families?

In our churches?

Please try to be specific by thinking of at least two examples for ourselves, our families, and our churches – if you are married, please consider at least one example of what the Incarnation should look like in your marriage.

In pondering the Incarnation in your own life, please identify one area of your life in which there is a disconnect between what the Incarnation ought to look like compared to what it actually looks like – and then let’s please pray for one another in regard to these areas.

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