Thursday, November 20, 2014

A First Thanksgiving Hoax

Robert McKenzie, professor and chair of the Department of History at Wheaton College, has been writing about what you might call revisionist history on his blog - the thing about Dr. McKenzie is that he is an equal opportunity critic and he is rigorous in his insistence that we base our words and thoughts on facts and not engage in sloppy thinking and lazy and convenient history. In his last few blog posts he has pointed out, once again, how political agendas drive popular writing by popular media people and how the masses uncritically consume faulty thinking. 

His most recent post, "A First Thanksgiving Hoax", is worth reading in light of the approaching holiday. Before we naively quote from Governor Bradford's proclamation in church or among family and friends we might consider the fact that the proclamation "just ain't so," as my cousin Clovis likes to say. Here's a link to McKenzie's blog:

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